La revue de presse #2


Dans les lectures de cette rentrée, il y a beaucoup de choses techniques, puisque j'ai enfin commencé ma formation !

Préambule : la revue de presse est une sélection des lectures faites sur un temps donné, classée par thématiques. Aucun jugement ni aucun avis, certaines sont mieux que d'autres, certaines sont plus utiles.

Design et responsive

En mise en bouche : media queeries, patterns et hauteur de ligne.

Responsive web design - Introduction

Why is vertical rythm an important typography practice ?
Zell - 24 février 2016

One day, it struck me that I haven’t had a clue why vertical rhythm was important. Two more questions quickly arose following that thought: “How does Vertical Rhythm improve the design of the site? What lessons can I draw from Vertical Rhythm so I can improve my design? "

10 practical tips for improving your text layout
Dan Glow - tweet du 3 octobre 2022

Design is hard. But I've come to realize that laying out texts properly is 80% of what makes something look clean, and is the easiest thing you can do to make your design much nicer and more usable. "

New patterns for amazing apps
Thomas Steiner - 10 octobre 2022

No matter what you build—be it a next generation video editing app, an addictive word game, or a future online social networking app—you will always find yourself in need of a few basic building blocks. "

De la prospective

En plat principal : où va le web, l'open source, ma vie...

The web's next transition
Ken Dodds - 21 octobre 2022

As the web has evolved, so too has the architecture for the development of these applications. There are many core architectures for building applications for the web these days. The most popular architecture employed by web developers today is the Single Page App (SPA), but we are transitioning to a new and improved architecture for building web applications.

The End of Programming
Matt Welsh - 5 octobre 2022

I believe that the conventional idea of “writing a program” is headed for extinction, and indeed, for all but very specialized applications, most software, as we know it, will be replaced by AI systems that are trained rather than programmed.

The Asymmetry of Open Source
Matt Holt - 22 décembre 2021

Users need open source projects, but open source projects do not need users. That asymmetry is, I believe, at the crux of the open source sustainability problem.

En bonus

En dessert et pour la route quelques conseils et les multiples possibilités artistiques des IA.

Mike Acton's Expectations of Professional Software Engineers
Adam Johnson - 17 juin 2022

Games industry veteran Mike Acton rattled off a sample of 50 things he expects of developers he works with.

En images grâce à l'IA : et si les architectes créaient des vêtements...
Rinny Gremaud - 21 octobre 2022

Les logiciels de génération d’images adossés à l’intelligence artificielle (IA) sont capables d’inventer des objets en leur attribuant n’importe quel style. Nous leur avons demandé de s’inspirer de grands noms de l’architecture et du design pour imaginer ce vestiaire impossible.

Mubert AI : from text to music
Mubert - tweet du 20 octobre 2022

We’re glad to present you our new Text-to-Music demo interface. Now as a Google Colab, and soon we’ll add this feature as a simple form on our website. This has already gone viral, so the community has questions about how everything works.